Brand6 is a Creative Collective focused on developing narrative messaging that elevates brands and establishes meaningful connections with consumers.
We’re a group of A-teamers, with expertise in a wide range of creative spaces: Luxury and Fashion, Publishing and Advertising, Visual and Experiential, Copy and Commerce. We’ve worked in the upper echelon and the soupy stuff. Fortune 5’s and start-ups.
Founded by PAUL TEDESCO, a NYC based creative director and brand consultant specializing in identity development, experiential, retail, and visual program design.
Paul was the Creative Director at Rafanelli Events and previously the Executive Director, Global Visual Merchandising and Design at M.A.C Cosmetics. He successfully navigated through design worlds at Donna Karan, Disney and Ogilvy after Condé Nast brought Paul to NY in 1995 to launch Gourmet, Bon Appétit and CNTraveler on that new fangled thing called the Internet.